Keeping Clients Safe With Our Acceptable Use Policy

This policy helps you understand what is acceptable. Please read this policy before any purchase to prevent any violations.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)​ isometric header conor bradley digital agency

1. Introduction

Conor Bradley – Digital Agency may modify this AUP at any time without notice. The Services provided by Conor Bradley – Digital Agency may only be used for lawful purposes. By continuing with your purchase you agree to comply with all laws, rules, and regulations that are connected with your use of our Services.

Conor Bradley – Digital Agency reserves the right to refuse service to anyone that violates this acceptable use policy (AUP). If you have violated our AUP you may be removed from our servers with or without notice. A failure to respond to an email from our abuse department within the 48 hour time period, may result in a suspension or termination of the Service.

Domain Registrant Education
Registrant Benefits & Responsibilities

2. Prohibited Uses

Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.

It is prohibited to use this service to infringe upon another party’s intellectual property rights. An example of this is copying or distributing movies & music. Selling or offering to sell any counterfeited items will result in immediate termination of your account. Any account found to be infringing on the intellectual property rights of others will have the material removed from the server and a warning issued. If you infringe on the intellectual property rights again an account suspension or termination will be issued.

If you believe that your intellectual property rights are being infringed upon, please email with the domain name infringing these rights. If you have an issue with copyright infringement Conor Bradley – Digital Agency follows the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and will take action.

You are not allowed to use any cPanel hosting services we provide to use as a backup or storage device.

3. Unacceptable Material

Zero Tolerance Content Policy

Conor Bradley – Digital Agency has a zero-tolerance policy in what we deem as unacceptable material on our servers. These include without limitation:

  • Pornography
  • Topsites
  • IRC Scripts/Bots
  • IRCD
  • Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
  • Image Hosting Scripts
  • AutoSurf sites
  • IP Scanners
  • Bruteforce
  • Programs/Scripts/Applications
  • Mail Bombers/Spam
  • Scripts/Bulk Mail
  • File Dump/Mirror Scripts 
  • Commercial Audio
  • Streaming 
  • Escrow/Bank Debentures
  • High-Yield Interest Programs
  • Investment Sites Like Ponzi & Pyramid Schemes
  • Sale of any controlled substance without a permit
  • Prime Banks Programs
  • Sites promoting illegal activities
  • Bank Debenture Trading Programs
  • Fraudulent Sites listed at or
  • Mailer Pro
  • Push-button mail scripts
  • Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events
  • Tell A Friend Scripts
  • Anonymous or Bulk SMS Gateways
  • Bitcoin Miners
  • Payday Loan Sites

Child Pornography Prohibited.

Any user found to be hosting child pornography will have their account suspended immediately and will be sent to the authorities to investigate further.

Other Prohibited Content.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone that we feel the material is illegal or violates our Terms of Service with or without notice.

4. Unacceptable Resource Usage

You may not:

  • Use 25% or more of our system resources for longer than 90 seconds at a time.
  • Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes on the server.
  • Run any software that interfaces with an IRC network.
  • Run or store any torrent applications
  • Participate in any peer-to-peer file activities
  • Run any gaming servers
  • Run cron jobs with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
  • Run any MySQL queries longer than fifteen 15 seconds. 


The use of more than 250,000 inodes on any shared or reseller account may result in a warning. You will then need to reduce the excessive amount of inodes otherwise we will suspend your account. If an account exceeds 100,000 inodes it will be automatically removed from our backups. Every file like an image, email, or HTML file is classed as 1 inode.

5. Spam Policy

You are not allowed to use our services to send bulk emails and spam. We also consider purchased email lists as spam. Any user that sends spam will be suspended or terminated with or without notice.

  • Spamvertised websites may not be hosted on our servers.
  • Anyone listed on ROKSO will be suspended or terminated.

Conor Bradley – Digital Agency reserves the right to require changes or disable as necessary, any website, account, database, or other components that do not comply with our policies or to make any modifications in an emergency that we deem necessary.

Conor Bradley – Digital Agency reserves the right to charge the account holder used to send any unsolicited e-mail a clean-up fee or any charges incurred for blacklist removal at our sole discretion.

6. Defamation Policy

Websites hosted on Conor Bradley – Digital Agency servers will not be removed unless the material has been found to be defamatory by a court. Conor Bradley – Digital Agency is not a publisher of the user content and we will not investigate defamation claims as we rely on the legal system and the courts to determine whether the material is indeed defamatory. If a court has an injunction against specified content or material being made available. We will comply and remove the material in question.

7. AUP Violations

Your Services may be suspended or terminated with or without notice upon any violation of this AUP. If your violation is severe e.g child pornography you will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. A failure to respond to an email from our abuse department within 48 hours may result in a suspension or termination of your Services. 

If you feel you have discovered a violation of our AUP please report it to:

Have Any Questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact us.