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How to access webmail in cPanel

< 1 min read

In this article, you will learn how to access webmail in cPanel. There was two different webmail clients called Roundcube and Horde, Both webmails serve the same purpose but have different interfaces. RoundCube is now the only software that cPanel uses.

How to access webmail in cPanel

To access your emails in cPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Login to cPanel: If you’re unsure of how to log in to cPanel please follow this article.
  2. Find the Email Section: Scroll down to the “Email” section on the cPanel dashboard.
  3. Select Email Accounts: Select the “Email Accounts” option to open the email dashboard.
    Selecting Email Accounts In cPanel Dashboard screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  4. Select Email Account: Select the “check email” button for the account you wish to view.Selecting check email in cPanel screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  5. Open Roundcube: Select the open button underneath the Roundcube logo.
    Selecting open on roundcube cPanel email screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  6. You will now see the webmail interface you selected.
    Roundcube mail dashboard in cPanel screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency

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