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How To Access Webmail Using C-Panel

< 1 min read

To access an e-mail account using webmail from within cPanel, follow these steps:


client dashboard screenshot conor bradley digital agency

  1. Log in to your Client Portal 

clicking on the correct service Conor Bradley Digital Agency

2. Click the services box

service product details Conor Bradley Digital Agency

  1. Click on your required service. We will be using the Free Hosting

clicking on email accounts in c panel conor bradley digital agency

  1. Located in the Quick Shortcuts, Press Email Accounts
  2. The alternative way to log in is clicking log in to webmail, On the left-hand side.

viewing email account Conor Bradley Digital Agency

  1. You are now in your email accounts section.
  2. Select the email account you’re wanting to open by clicking Check Email.
  3. This will open a new tab on your browser

Email Account system settings page Conor Bradley Digital Agency

  1. The webmail interface appears where you can manage the selected email account.

roundcube webmail interface Conor Bradley Digital Agency

  1. press the orange “open” button to enter the account
  2. Here you will be able to read messages sent to you and also compose emails by pressing a new message in the top left (green box).


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