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How to Create an Email Account in cPanel

2 min read

Creating an email account in cPanel is needed when having a website so you are able to receive emails locally. By using cPanel we are able to create multiple accounts with your domain extension for different uses.

Navigating to Email Accounts

  1. Login to cPanel: If you’re unsure of how to log in to cPanel please follow this article.
  2. Find the Email Section: Scroll down to the “Email” section on the cPanel dashboard.
  3. Select Email Accounts: Select the “Email Accounts” option to open the email dashboard.
    Selecting Email Accounts In cPanel Dashboard screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency

Creating a New Email Account

Now that you are on the Email Accounts dashboard, here’s how to create a new email account:

  1. Select Create: Select the “Create” button located in the top-right corner.
    Selecting Create Email Accounts In cPanel screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  2. Domain Selection: If you have multiple domains on your cPan, choose the domain you wish to use from the dropdown menu.
  3. Username: Enter the desired email address in the “Username” field. This will be the part before the “@” symbol.
  4. Password: Enter a password in the “Password” field. or select the generate button to generate a password.
  5. Storage Space: If you wish to change the storage space select edit settings then you can set a specific limit e.g., 500MB or select “Unlimited” if there are no restrictions on space.
  6. Select Create: Select the “Create” button to set up the email account.
    *If you need help accessing your webmail account please follow this guide.
    Create an email account in cpanel screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency

Managing Email Accounts in cPanel

Deleting Email Accounts

If you need to delete an email account, proceed as follows:

  1. Find the Account: Find the email account you wish to delete in the “Email Accounts” list. Then select manage.
    Selecting the manage button in cPanel email accounts screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  2. Delete: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the “Delete” button.
  3. Confirm Deletion: Confirm that you want to delete the email account to permanently remove it.
    Selecting delete email account in cPanel screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency