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How To Install A WordPress Theme

< 1 min read

How To Install A WordPress Theme

To install and activate a new WordPress theme using the WordPress administration interface, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to WordPress as the administrator. (

clicking on apperance then themes in wordpress Conor Bradley Digital Agency

  1. On the left-sidebar select appearance then themes

clicking on add new on the wordpress themes dashboard

  1. Click Add New.

installing wordpress themes conor bradley digital agency

  1. There are two options you have for selecting your new theme. You can either search the available themes on WordPress then click activate.
  2. The other option is to upload a theme you have downloaded in a .ZIP file.
  3. To upload this file press the upload theme box
  4. Click choose file. This will open a dialogue box where you need to select your downloaded theme
  5. Hover over the theme you’ve uploaded and selected Activate.



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