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How to verify site ownership with Google

2 min read

In this article, you will learn how to verify your website(s) ownership via google. We will show you using different methods however you’ll only need to use one to verify the website.

Getting Started

  1. Head over to google search console.
  2. Press start now.

Google search console screenshot conor bradley digital agency

  1. In the URL prefix section, Enter your domain name including HTTPS or HTTP.
  2. Press continue.
  3. You will now see a window to select the way to verify your domain.

creating a property in google search console url prefix conor bradley digital agency

HTML file upload

  1. Download the HTML file.

html file for google search console conor bradley digital agency

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. In the search bar, search file then click file manager.
  3. Go to your public_html directory.
  4. Click upload (at the top).
  5. Once the upload has complete go back to the search console and press verify.
  6. Verification has now been completed.

HTML tag using WordPress

screenshot of HTML tag verification in google search console conor bradley digital agency

  1. Login to your WordPress website.
  2. Install an SEO plugin such as rank math or YoastSEO.
    We will be using rank math for this demonstration.
  3. In the menu hover over, rank math then click general settings.
  4. Click webmaster tools.
  5. Go back to your search console and click copy.
  6. Go back to your WordPress site and paste your copied code into the google search console field.
  7. You will need to remove everything pasted apart from the part in bold.
    <meta name=”google-site-verification” content=”tdySPoQRURUukyA8rAoNSRsEBOSFORwpgN2tDjNgjpE” />.
  8. Press save changes in rank math.

screenshot of rank math webmaster tools conor bradley digital agency

  1. Go back to your google search console and press verify.
  2. Your website is now verified.

Google Analytics

If you already have google analytics installed on your website search console can access the code to verify you own the property.

screenshot of google analytics search console verification conor bradley digital agency

  1. Select google analytics in the search console.
  2. Press verify.
  3. Your website is now verified.
    If verification fails make sure the analytics code is in the header section of your page.



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