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How To Install And Configure The UpdraftPlus Plugin

< 1 min read

How To Install And Configure The UpdraftPlus Plugin

Installing The UpdraftPlus Plugin

To install the UpdraftPlus plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.

clicking add new in the plugins section on wordpress conor bradley digital agency

  1. In the left-hand sidebar, click Plugins.
  2. Then Add New

searching and installing updraftplus plugin on wordpress conor bradley digital agency

  1. Type in the search box, Updraft and click Install now
  2. Press Activate once it has finished installing.

Configuring The UpdraftPlus Plugin

After you have installed Updraft head over to Plugins then installed Plugins


pressing start on the updraftplus plugin in wordpress conor bradley digital agency

  1. Find UpdraftPlus and press on settings. If you have just installed Updraft you should get the “press here to start” notification.
  2. Click the settings tab

selecting automatic backup at a certain date and time on updraftplus plugin conor bradley digital agency

  1. Select how often you would like your files and database to be backed up.

connecting google drive to the wordpress updraftplus plugin conor bradley digital agency

  1. Select which remote storage service you require. We are personally using Google Drive
  2. Click the blue text which is next to the title  Authenticate with Google.
  3. After you have authenticated scroll down to the bottom and click save changes.

Your files and database will be backed up to google drive with the settings you provided. your backups created and/or deleted.

For more information about the UpdraftPlus plugin, please visit


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