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How To Install WordPress With Softaculous

1 min read

  1. Log in to your cPanel account. If you’re unsure of how to log in to cPanel please follow this article.
  2. In the left-hand menu select WordPress Manager by Softaculous.
    cPanel dashboard selecting WordPress Manager by Softaculous screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  3. Select Install.
    WordPress Manager by Softaculous Dashboard screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  4. In the Choose installation URL list box, select the domain you wish to have the site installed on. This could be a subdomain too.
    *Make sure you have selected HTTPS in the protocol
  5. Leave the In Directory text box blank unless you wish to install this inside a directory.
  6. In the Site Name box, type your site name.
  7. In the Site Description box, type your site description.
  8. In the Admin Username text box, type the administrator username or leave it to the randomly generated one.
  9. In the Admin Password text box, type the administrator password or leave it to the randomly generated one. You can also select the key on the right side to create another generated password.
  10. In the Admin Email text box, type the site administrator e-mail address.
  11. Select install
    WordPress Manager by Softaculous Install Dashboard screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  12. Once WordPress has been installed select “return to WordPress Management”. This will take you back to the WordPress Manager by Softaculous dashboard.
    Selecting return to wordpress management in WordPress Manager by Softaculous screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency
  13. Select the login button to enter the backend of wordpress. This will allow you to create your website.
    Selecting login inside WordPress Manager by Softaculous screenshot Conor Bradley Digital Agency


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